Saturday, February 3, 2007

Start be-living

I just finished a post, it felt like ramble a rant. Maybe it was, but I needed to write it, had to put it up and get it over with. Now I want to write something:

Everyone says life is short, why doesn't anyone stop saying and start doing?

If people started doing more things, with real value, the world would be a better place, yeah yeah all that stuff everyone keeps repeating over and over again. DO them. Hug harder, kiss longer and with more passion, give flowers, listen to what others say, but keep your mind blank while doing so, concentrate on the other person, understand what they are saying. Love thy brother, but express your love, or your hate for that matter. Take your significant other to the movies, to a walk in the park, to a sunset viewing. Stop thinking about when it should happen, don't wait until they are dead and you can't do a thing about it, do it now. That's when you start be-live.

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