Sunday, February 11, 2007

When in doubt, do

Everybody has had times of reflection, a moment to pause and think back about the good and the bad and the ugly. Everyone has had that sort of reflection, but how many take a short moment to dedicate it to the future? It is pretty simple actually, it is just a matter of thinking what others want from you, and what you want from yourself. When this sort of ideas come into mind, you should try to put yourself in a positive state first, reflect upon those whom you love, the ones that are far from you, physically or emotionally. What kind of words do you think they might need today, what kind of words do you need today?

If we can set apart a few minutes of our daily chores to think about this small but very important things, your life will start balancing out and a more positive state of be-living will come into place. Remember that those that most need help are the ones that more desperately seem to avoid it.

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